➜ Slate tile flooring dos and don’ts

Slate tile flooring dos and don’ts Slate tile flooring is available in a wide variety of colors. You can choose from green, pink, blue and yellow shades. You may also go for natural surface textures of slate tile flooring and these textures come in different variety. The flooring is slip-resistant and hence makes a premium choice for most people across the globe. 

Slate tile flooring is ideal for residential and commercial interiors and exteriors. It is easy to install and available with decorative color variation and slip-resistance quality. 

Slate tile flooring dos and don’ts

Here are some do’s and don’ts you need to keep in mind with slate tile flooring.


a) You should be sure of the fact that area in which you desire to install your slate tile flooring is apt for the climate, foot traffic and other important factors. A sales representative will be able to help you in this matter. 

b) It is very important to consider the substrate over which you wish to install the slate tiles. The tile should suit your requirements. You should always ask your sales representative about the suitability of your substrate with respect to the slate tile product you wish to purchase. 

c) You must expect color variations when it comes to slate tile flooring and utilize them to your advantage.

d) It is necessary to keep yourself informed with the warranty details. Try to read all the instructions or information related to the slate tile flooring purchase. 

e) Before making a purchase, test the color patterns, thickness variation and overall spacing of the slate you choose via laying out the slate in a dry run.

f) You require using a special type of mortar for slate tile. The mortar should be compatible to your interior and exterior installation. Try taking expert advice from sales representative about some brands and varieties of mortar available on the market. You should never forget to read the instructions available on the products you plan to purchase. 

g) Slate tile flooring sealant is very important. You can choose from several varieties available such a high-gloss sealant that provides the tile a lustrous look, low sheen that is reflective and no sheen that provides slate a natural look. 

h) You should look forward to consult an experienced flooring professional in case, you don’t have any experience in laying slate tile all by yourself. This will also help you stay miles away from mistakes that may make your wallet lighter. 


a) Never ever forget to allow for breakage and waste while placing your order. Remember that accidents can happen anytime.

b) You should not fail to supervise your substrate for dirt or loose materials. A clear, clean and level substrate is very important for a perfect slate tile flooring installation. 

c) Don’t install slate tile flooring on a wet surface. The moisture trapped on the surface may make installation difficult for you. 

d) Don’t apply a sealer to a slate tile floor that has been oiled or waxed and not cured. The marks can prove to be very difficult to remove later. 

e) Grouting soon is not a good idea. Always allow the mortar to properly set.

➜ Slate tile flooring dos and don’ts ➜ Slate tile flooring dos and don’ts Reviewed by Kebo Sukses on January 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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