➜ Wall Decals The Perfect Stick on Design

Wall Decals: The Perfect "Stick-on" Design They've suddenly become the rage and for good reason. It used to be that wall decals or wall stickers, were sold primarily as an alternative to permanently alerting a child's room for the sake of kid decor. There were wall sticker options for all sorts of children's room themes. But, the market has since expanded and wall decals have grown up. Companies are springing up with collectives of visual artists, creating walls decals or wall tattoos that are as artistic as they are functional.

How can a wall decal be functional, you ask? Well, most of them have been engineered so that they are removable and reusable. So whether you have a phobia to commit to any one home design approach, or perhaps you want to stage your home for sale, but don't want to invest vast sums into wall art- well, here is where wall decals can offer some practical value. 

These decals are easier than paint in that they only take minutes to put on, they do not damage the wall and are, as mentioned, removable. They are usually sold as multi pack packages, that contain various decals- all part of the same theme. In this regard, you have some creative input as to how you'd like to arrange your decals. Prices generally range from $12- $165, so these creative additions can be done on any budget.

There are so many options out there that range from sophisticated art designs, to video game inspired graphics. Many companies are coming up with irreverent wall furniture. So, you can't afford that incredible head board and all you have is an uninspired futon? You can now paste an elaborate gothic inspired headboard tattoo onto your wall. Who needs reality, when fantasy can dance about your walls?!

The Perfect "Stick-on" Design

Of course, now more than ever, there are even more kid friendly options for wall decals. The fact that your children change their design whims on a monthly basis may not be so much of a problem any longer. Instead of sucking it up, and painting your child's room that unbearably garish pink, you can sit down with her, and order some decals that suit her tastes. And, if next year, she's all about black- well, then she can save up her allowance and buy some black decals. ( and thank-goodness you can avoid painting the room black...) 

Really, the wall decal generation can satisfy a lot of whimsical design ideas that could otherwise turn out disastrous- or at the very least expensive, time consuming, and permanent. Here is your chance to play, and with very little risk. All that your really putting on the line, is the cost of the decal. And even then, if you don't like them in one room, simply try them somewhere else. 

Although decals can easily be applied on painted surfaces they shouldn't be used on wallpaper, tile or paneling. Before applying, surfaces should be clean, dry and smooth. Just set-up, plan your design and stick to your heart's content. 

➜ Wall Decals The Perfect Stick on Design ➜ Wall Decals The Perfect Stick on Design Reviewed by Kebo Sukses on July 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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